Dreamweaver vs Webhostinghub Issue

Asked by:
prsnrs / 5 Points
2013-03-18 3:06 am EST
Here's the issue with my Dreamweaver webpage www.nancyshalenphotography.com
The site is primarily slide galleries.
All of the slide shows work fine except cambodia_gallery.html. I created Cambodia the same exact way as Bhutan, China & Vietnam.

There was a similar issue fixed by Irvin (don't know his surname). Irvin moved assets, galleries and index.html from nancyshalenphotography (nancy_photography ??) to public_html. At least that's what I think he said.

I would greatly appreciate you looking at www.nancyshalenphotography.com and see if you can see what Irvin saw.

Phil Shalen

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2,132 Points
2013-03-18 6:05 pm EST
Thank you for your question prsnrs!

Sorry for the trouble with your slider loading. We looked at the code and the following image is missing in your public_html/p7IGM_images/fullsize server location.


Without that loading the script will break.

Best Regards,
James R

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