
Asked by:
Russ_C / 10 Points
2012-07-31 2:35 pm EST
General Server Setup
I am getting the following error message when first trying to publish my website with FrontPage using Http.

"The webserver does not apear to have authentication methods enabled. It asked for authentication but did not send a WWW-authenticate header."

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16,266 Points
2012-07-31 3:28 pm EST
Hello Russ_c,

That error usually occurs when Front Page extensions are not enabled on the hosting server. It appears that you have them installed on our account, however. You may try uninstalling and then re-installing.

Another option is to use FTP. This is more stable than the FrontPage standard method due to the program's age. Even Microsoft no longer supports the program, so it is sliding into antiquity more every day. This means that it will have more issues with progressing technology until it eventually no longer works. It should still work on our servers currently, however.

Check with our article on publishing with FrontPage to ensure all the settings are all correct.

Again, publishing with FTP is another option, and one that the vast majority of other publishing programs use. If FrontPage does not have an FTP option, you can use an FTP client. Here is a link to our FTP guide for that as well.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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