Create a clone of my WordPress installation

Asked by:
Jayip54 / 21 Points
2013-11-08 1:20 am EST
I have set up a test subdomain, installed WP and want to now "copy" the full site I have that is active to this test area. Where can i find the "how to"? Thanks

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I tried to create a clone as you have directed but I keep getting this error : You cannot clone the installation in a subdirectory of the original installation. Please can you advise on what could be the possible cause?
59 Points
2021-07-06 07:00 am EST



17,314 Points
2013-11-08 1:39 am EST
Hello Jay,

Thanks for the question! If you wanted to duplicate your existing site,then you should used the CLONE option in Softaculous. The method I described in your previous question merely creates a brand new BLANK Wordpress installation that you can use to test. If you want to duplicate the data and settings that are in your existing Wordpress install, then the CLONE option in Softaculous would be better. Here's how to use it:

  1. Login to cpanel

  2. Go to Softaculous in the Software/Services section and click on it to launch it.

  3. Click on the "All Installations" icon in the top right in order to see a list of your installations in Softaculous.

  4. Find your Wordpress installation, then hover over the icon for CLONE (first icon in the group of icons on the right) and click on it.

  5. Give the folder a name other than "wp" - unless you want it that way- and then and select install

  6. That will create a quick copy of your site for you. The URL will be something like "http://domain_name/wp" - if you left the directory name as "wp".

    Let us know if you have any further questions or comments!

    Arnel C.

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    Thanks Arnel,

    I was able to do so in a subdirectory called but when I try to go to it redirects to the original site. How do I stop the re-directon? Thanks for the help.

    21 Points

    2013-11-08 5:11 am EST
    Hello Jayip54,

    You will have to update your Wordpress URL to the new address:

    Here is a link to the Official Wordpress guide on Changing your site URL.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
    Thank you,

    12,339 Points
    2013-11-08 9:37 pm EST
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