credit card checkout available in zen cart due to moduleIn this tutorial we will show you how to install then setup the module in Zen Cart, so you can accept credit card payments in your e-commerce store.

This module requires that you have an account setup with, but the customers do not require an account with them to make a purchase.

Installing the Module:

  1. Login to the Zen Cart Admin Panel.
  2. In the navigation menu, hover over Modules and click Payment.
  3. On the Payment Modules list click (SIM), then to the right click the +install button. See image below. module installation
    Your module is now installed, in the next section we will go over the available module settings.


Updating the Module Settings:

  1. In the Payment Modules list, click the module, then the edit button to the right. module editing
    You will now be able to adjust the settings for this module. Choose your options as needed.
    Enable Module True enables, this shipping option. If you select False, this shipping option will not be available.
    Login ID Enter the API login ID.
    Transaction Key Enter your Transaction key.
    MD5 Hash Enter the MD5 hash code, this should be the same as the one in your settings.
    Transaction Mode Choose from Test or Production, Test will check the credit card processing, but it will not actually process the transaction with, while Production will allow you to use this option in the cart. 
    Transaction Method Credit card is the only option available for this field. 
    Authorization Type

    Capture will process the payment transaction immediately.

    Authorize will put a hold on the the payment, until you manually push the 

    Request CVV Number Choose True to require the additional numbers on the back of the credit card, if you select False it will not ask for it. Zen Cart advises "This is important for card validation, and should usually be enabled."
    Customer Notifications True will email the customer a receipt after processing the transaction, False will not.
    Payment Zone If you select a zone from this drop-down menu, this option will only apply to that zone.
    Set Order Status Select from the drop-down menu how you want a transaction to be labeled after if completes processing a payment via Zen Cart states "Default recommended is 'Processing.'"
    Sort order of display. The number you enter here will affect where this option will display on the payment page when customers check out. Zero will be at the top of the list, and higher numbers will be further down the list.
    Gateway Mode If you have an SSL and want the full transaction to process on your site, select onsite. If you do not have an SSL, or want the payment transaction to process on's website select offsite.
    Enable Database Storage Zen Cart states "If you enable this option, extended details of each transaction will be stored, enabling you to more effectively conduct audits of fraudulent activity or even track/match order information between Zen Cart and your records."
    Debug Mode Zen Cart states "If you need to diagnose what details are sent to and received from the gateway, enable this option. Logs will be stored in the /cache folder and numbered in obscurity to prevent snooping. If not debugging specific problems, it's recommended to set it to "Alerts Only" so you'll be notified only if problems occur."
    After making your selections, click the update button to save them.
    saving updates for module

Congratulations, now you are able to accept credit card payments in your Zen Cart store using the module!

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