I updated my credit cart, how do I renew a past due account?

Asked by:
djtreproductions / 5 Points
2013-07-11 4:26 pm EST
I updated the credit card information but was not given the option to pay for 1 year and the privacy setting. please let me know what i need to do or have a billing agent call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX between 9am and 6pm est. Thank you, Tre

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12,339 Points
2013-07-11 5:14 pm EST
Hello Tre,

Thank you for your question. Since this is a public forum, I have X'd out your private contact information for security purposes. For immediate assistance, you can always contact Live Tech Support.

Since the billing was past due it will not auto-renew, but you can renew yourself from AMP:

  1. Login to AMP.

  2. Click Details under Account & Billing. You will see your Subscriptions listed with their Renewal Dates.

  3. To the right, roll your mouse over the Make Changes option, then click Renew.

  4. Confirm the products that you want to renew, then click the Continue button.

  5. On the next screen, choose the credit card you want to use, or add a new one. Then, click Submit.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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