Can I delete all comments with one keystroke?

Asked by:
Bobby martin / 16 Points
2013-08-05 11:43 pm EST

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17,314 Points
2013-08-06 12:21 am EST
Hello Bobby,

Thanks for the question! Your question is not very clear. In the future, please indicate what software you're referring to, or even a URL, so that we can take a look at it. I was able to find an account based on your login, so hopefully, you are referring to the main website on your account which happens to be running Wordpress.

The main answer to your question is "no" you can't delete all of the comments in one keystroke. We have an article called Managing Comments that can instruct you on how to delete comments.

I also summarize the process here:

  1. You would need to login to the Wordpress Administrator dashboard

  2. Click on Comments

  3. In the comments section, click on the check box above the others in the left column in order to select all of the comments on the page

  4. Click on the drop-down menu for bulk actions and select "Move to Trash"

That will delete all of the comments on the screen. You may have to delete more comments that were not showing. You can change the number of comments that show on the screen by clicking on "Screen Options" in the top right hand corner. So, if you have 200 comments, then you should be able to change it so that you can see 100-200 comments at once so that you can quickly delete them.

I hope this helps do what you need. If it's something different, please let us know and we would be happy to help.

Arnel C.

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Ok, understand. Thank you.
Bobby martin
16 Points

2013-08-06 12:38 am EST
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