Error in importing software to domain

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-01-07 2:25 pm EST
There were some errors while importing the software installed at

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17,314 Points
2015-01-07 3:19 pm EST

Sorry to hear that you're having problems while importing your software to the domain. Unfortunately, you have provided very little information on which to help troubleshoot the issue. You provided a domain name when you registered the question that doesn't provide us enough information to find an account. Also, you have not specified what error message or software you're trying to use. Please provide us a URL, the software version, specific error messages, and the steps that you took to get to the error and we would be happy to try to give you assistance. If you are a Web Hosting Hub customer, you may want to look at your website through the cPanel File Manager.

Apologies that we can't provide an answer at this point, but please provide more information and we would happy to look into the issue further. Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments.

Arnel C.

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