hosting renewal costs

Asked by:
jaebaeli / 10 Points
2012-09-04 12:32 am EST
i paid $71 for my hosting last year and the renewal is showing over $200 this year, I want the same plan, but what's up with the triple price? I can't find any place to view the details of the plan or choose that original option. I have updated my account info though. You certainly didn't give me any notice about expiration. I only just got the notice AFTER IT EXPIRED. Not happy right now. Please let me know.

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17,314 Points
2012-09-04 5:57 pm EST
Hello Jaebaeli,

This way to get this answer immediately is through live technical support or billing. This is because posting answers on this site are open to the public. In order to keep your account information public, please follow up with the live support ticket that appears to have already been filed on your account. You can also contact Billing directly:

Telephone: 877-595-4482 x4
Intl: 757-416-6627 x4
Mon-Fri: 8am - 11pm EST (5am - 8pm PST)
Sat-Sun: 10am - 7pm EST (7am - 4pm PST)
Email: (24/7)

Apologies for any confusion. Just to be clear, the initial hosting rate is under an introductory rate. The normal rate is stated in the terms of service for the account.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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