How do I cancel my account and get my money back?

Asked by:
FiveOh / 5 Points
2012-02-20 11:09 pm EST

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-20 11:25 pm EST
Hello FiveOh,

I'm sorry to hear you wish to cancel your account.

We want you to know that we value your business and we strive each and every day to provide all of our customers outstanding service and support and would hate to have you cancel your hosting service due to something we could have done better.

If you don't mind us asking, have you decided to cancel your service due to price or problems with our Support Dept? Is there anything we can do to retain your business or anything we could have done differently so that we can better help other customers in the future?

Please feel free to contact us to let us know if you are interested in discussing how we can continue to meet your needs or if you would to continue with the cancellation process.


Christi N.

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