Is auto-renew on automatically?

Asked by:
dijee / 8 Points
2013-01-08 2:38 am EST
Just curious if I have a domain name/space and my credit card is registered to the account, will it auto renew? just trying to figure this out so it doesn't auto-renew and charge the the card.

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17,314 Points
2013-01-08 2:46 am EST
Hello Dijee,

By default, the account is set to autorenew because when you register the account it is a subscription service. This is part of the terms of service. If you wish to not have the account not renew, then you will need to contact billing/live technical support or change the credit number (to something not usable) in the Account Management Panel (AMP) interface. However, the account will continue to auto-renew. You can also setup notifications on the account (through AMP) for when payment is supposed to occur.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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