Payed for Unactivated Account

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-10-09 4:40 am EST
I tried to login to my account today, but it says it has not yet been activated. I already have been charged for my web address, which was all I purchased yesterday, yet on the email sent to me it said my account wouldn't be charged until my account was activated. Does this only happen when buying one of the hosting deals? How do I cancel the fee if I can't access the account, or does the 90-day free trial only work when you buy one of the hosting options as well?

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16,266 Points
2014-10-09 3:03 pm EST

If you have only purchased a domain name, then you will not have a 90 day return. Domain names are only refundable within the first 120 hours of registration. New hosting accounts, however, do have the 90 day return policy. They should reach out to you within the first 30 minutes of placing the order for confirmation. Once confirmed, then you will be sent the information so you can access your Account Management Panel.

If you have not received the information and it has been well over 30 minutes, you may want to < href="">contact the Customer Service department to see why. Most times it is due to some sort of incorrect information on the account.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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