PayPal Token Request Error

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-03-07 8:20 pm EST
Does anyone have experience with sending and receiving a token request to PayPal? I have PHP code that sends and receives the token request and it has been working for over a year. Within the last 3 weeks it no longer works. I have stripped all of my code down to just trying to send the token request and then get the response back. I don't think it is a code error because PayPal runs it with no issues on their end.

I am getting an "SSL CA Cert" issue #77. Forums in PayPal suggest a server and/or php-fpm/apache reboot. Web Hosting has ignored this option/suggestion to date. I am using a php curl_init() to send the request.

Has anyone seen this before?

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16,266 Points
2015-03-10 1:04 am EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues with your paypal token request. If you can extract just the code for the request into a test php file, we are happy to check it and run it from a test environment to see if we can find any issues. You can then reply back with the file name and we will grab it and test it for you.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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