special deals offered for price conscious educators

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-08-09 9:09 am EST
Dear Webhostinghub Service,
I am considering my options for webhosting. I have not used the account much over the three year term and I payed $140.00. The upcoming renewal @ 2 year term will cost $190.00 and I am wondering if that is the best you can do. I am a public school teacher and use my website for supporting learning activities.
Please respond ASAP so I can consider next steps.
Thank you.

*moderator edit - removed identifying information*

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16,266 Points
2015-08-10 5:04 pm EST

Thank you for your question about pricing. As we are the technical support side of things, we are unable to access any pricing variations that we may have. You can, however, contact our Live Billing team and they may be able to assist you with any specials we may have going on at the timewebh.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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