What payment systems are available for the eShop in the builder?

Asked by:
lotti / 5 Points
2012-01-31 10:16 pm EST
Is there any other 3rd party payment for the eshop payment system? I want to use propay but don't know how to add this on to my eshop.

Doe the web host provide payment systems?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-01-31 10:32 pm EST
Hello lotti,

Thank you for your questions regarding payment systems for the eShop in the Premium Website Builder. Currently, the Premium Website Builder supports the following payment systems:


I'm sorry but we do not offer payment systems. You mentioned the Propay payment system. I checked into that system and according to their website, there are only two carts which are compatible with their system: ProPay CartLite and 3DCart. Note, each of these carts requires a monthly fee:


It's really a matter of personal preference whether you want to purchase one of the cart systems that works with Propay or choose a different payment system. We have many customers who use PayPal as it is fairly easy to set up and use (either with the Premium Website Builder eShop or many other e-commerce programs).

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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