Backups on cpanel

Asked by:
shenry / 15 Points
2012-07-22 9:47 pm EST
Can I leave my backup in my cPanel, or do I have to download it? If I don't download it immediately. how long will the backup be available on my cPanel?

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16,266 Points
2012-07-23 4:27 pm EST
Hello shenry,

It is not advised to keep backups on the server for a few reasons:

1) They do violate the storage rule of the terms of service. All files must be actively used for the site.

2) If you do a backup again while a previous backup is present in the account, it places that backup as part of the new backup, taking up large amounts of space. This can grow exponentially and cause issues on the hard drive eventually, particularly if many people did the same thing.

3) If the backup is on the server, and the hard drive fails, then the backup is lost.

Leaving the backup there for a short period of time should be fine if you are not able to download it immediately, however. The file will not be removed by anyone here, so it will stay until you delete it.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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