Box Trapper White List not working

Asked by:
EconomyAC / 19 Points
2011-09-14 4:31 pm EST
The Example Shows: For example: would be john\@example\.com and all addresses at would be .+\@example\.com
I entered ie:
I noticed the software automatically enters:
from dataconnections\@email\.reedconstructiondata\.com
from learningtree_us\@mail\.learningtree\.com
from sales\@engenuity\.com
Do I need to add from instead of the +?

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173 Points
2011-09-14 5:01 pm EST

Thanks for posting a question. I'm sorry you're having an issue with BoxTrapper. After reviewing your syntax of your expression you may want to add a few things to see if it works. Your expressions should be:

from .+\@economyac\.com
from .+\@soundisolationcompany\.com
from .+\@GOCSC\.com
from .+\@panoramaproperty\.com
from .+\@kentdenver\.org

I hope this helps out. If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us. Thank you!

Tim S.

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