Can use File Manager to make WordPress Posts?

Asked by:
8scarlet / 10 Points
2012-01-16 1:28 am EST
I'm new to all this..might be a stupid question..I know I can easily load my posts into the word press file. I don't understand the file manager. May I also load them from my computer to the file manager and they will appear in the word press files?

This is a simple blog. If I do load them through file manager do I need FTP?

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13,688 Points
2012-01-16 6:03 pm EST
Hi Stephanie,

Great question on creating posts in WordPress. Posts in WordPress are created through your WordPress dashboard. I'm sorry but uploading files through the File Manager will not cause those files to appear as WordPress Posts. WordPress uses a MySQL database to store your content (including your Posts) and you enter that content by using the WordPress dashboard. For more information on WordPress, please see our WordPress Education Channel.

Since you are using WordPress, you will most likely have little to no need for the File Manager but I did want to give you some information regarding the File Manager and FTP. The cPanel File Manager acts somewhat like an FTP program in that you can view, manage, upload and download files using it. It's a bit limited compared to a stand alone FTP program, so many people choose to use FTP instead, especially if they will be uploading or downloading a lot of files.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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