Cann't log in cpanel

Asked by:
haihua / 5 Points
2012-12-10 11:11 am EST
When I log in my cPanel,a problem has occur. It said that " the web page has not found... error :111 (net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED): "

My user name and password is correct.
I am using joomla to build my website.

What is the problem?

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3,713 Points
2012-12-10 6:12 pm EST
Hello haihua, and thank you for your question.

Unfortunately I'm unable to replicate the issue you are having logging into cPanel. Are you attempting to log in via a proxy?

From doing some searches on the Internet for the error you're getting it sounds like this is more than likely related to connecting from a proxy and possibly using the Google Chrome web-browser.

Can you please let us know if you've been able to login into cPanel previously, and if you're attempting to connect in a new way than when you use to be able to connect successfully.

If you have any other questions at all, please let us know.

- Jacob

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