I can't install Magento on my cPanel

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-06-04 8:05 am EST
I installed magento engine to subfolder of main website www.most*******.com/shop but software installed in public_html doesnt allow me to reach subfolder files, moto CMS has a feature called permalinks that use mod-rewrite And when you have that type of feature any url you type after the domain name it is installed on will be registered as a link on the site and it will try to use that software to load the page at that location. So when you put in shop it is getting caught by moto CMS And not allowing the actual content to load in the shop folder. thats my issue please

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12,339 Points
2015-06-04 6:35 pm EST
Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us about installing Magento. Since permalinks are controlled by the .htaccess file, you can avoid issues by creating a new .htaccess file in your /shop folder.

This will cause your site in the /shop folder to use its own separate .htaccess file.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

Thank you,
John-Paul B

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