Catalyst setup with Apache

Asked by:
plarusa / 10 Points
2013-03-02 9:09 pm EST
Hello, I am looking to configure Apache to use cgi and Catalyst. I installed Catalyst, and now I am looking to change the Apache config file. Can you confirm how to do it? Is there a command file interface (shell, telnet, ssh..) or must I use the Cpanel?

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16,266 Points
2013-03-04 6:23 pm EST
Hello plarusa,

Due to the nature of the shared servers, outside command line access is not allowed. All changes to an account must be done via the cPanel. In many cases, changes that need to be made to the httpd.conf file can be done in your local .htaccess file.

However, when it comes to installing programs, there is the possibility that it cannot be done on the server. This is true if it requires modification of the main server apache config file.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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