cPanel File Manager Fetching directory contents

Asked by:
worldl9 / 10 Points
2012-12-05 12:05 am EST
The cPanel File Manger showing the following message” Fetching directory contents” without result. Also, the cPanel Disk space usage option showing “Loading” without result.

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16,266 Points
2012-12-05 12:19 am EST
Hello worldl9,

Our system administration team is currently in the process of rolling out a new urgent cPanel/WHM security release that came out today. Please note that while these updates are taking place there could be temporary spikes in server usage, and temporary unavailability of services.

These security updates are being rolled out after cPanel has stated these are important security updates that their own internal teams have found. They state that there is no reason to believe that the vulnerabilities are known to the public at this time.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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