Custom 404 not found page

Asked by:
amellen / 18 Points
2013-09-26 5:46 am EST
Hi there,
I tried to set up a custom 404 not found page through cpanel for my account, however, it doesnt seem to be working. Instead, I seem to be just getting the standard 404 not found error page. I don't know what I'm missing!
My website is:
Thanks for your help!

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2,342 Points
2013-09-26 2:52 pm EST
If you created it in cPanel, sometimes depending on how your site is coded, it does not write the correct information to your .htaccess file. To fix this, you may manually place the following into your .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 404 /path/to/your/404.shtml

Simply adjusted the path to be correct to the location of your 404 page. This will allow your 404 page to show correctly.

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