
Asked by:
antou / 5 Points
2012-09-19 10:28 am EST
I cant find fantastico in my cpanel


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16,266 Points
2012-09-19 3:49 pm EST
Hello Antou,

Fantastico has been removed from the server in lieu of a better program named Softaculous. This program will carry 275+ programs and make things even easier to manage.

Unfortunately, your server is currently running from a backup due to an unrelated incident, so the new software has not been added just yet. As soon as your main server is back up and running the new Softaculous program will be in the same spot as the Fanatstico was.

You are also welcome to do a manual installation. Our support team will be happy to assist with that as well by phone. You can contact them at 877-595-4482 x2 or Internationally at: 757-416-6627 x2

Best Regards,
Scott M

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