FTP Cretentials problem

Asked by:
PlanetaConsumidor / 28 Points
2013-01-07 9:13 pm EST
I used the main account to log in via FTP but access is denied.

Also i creates a account as silver for FTP, both are blocked, please check that.


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17,314 Points
2013-01-07 9:28 pm EST
Hello PlanetaConsumidor,

I checked the FTP operations on your account and they are working. I even created a test account and tested it here with an FTP client. Make sure that when you login with the primary account that you are using your Cpanel user name and password. If you problems finding, it you can go to the Account Management Panel (AMP) and you can find reset it there. Additionally, if you're logging in with created ftp accounts, you have to use the full name (which is the same as an email address - for example: someone@domainname.com). The account is only setup to use FTP not SFTP and the default port would be 21. You can also use the Server name directly. For further information go to:

Getting started with FTP

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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