How do I password protect secondary pages?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-24 12:52 am EST
I'm using Drupal and I've been working on password protecting my website, but there is a problem. I would like visitors to be able to go to the homepage and see it without a password, but I would like it so to go beyond this it would require establishing an account to include a password. I am aware if I go to the cpanel, then security, and then to "password protecting directories" I can add password protection. I learned about this at:
(mentioning this in case anybody directs me to this again)

However, when I enabled password protection it required a password just BEFORE navigating to the site. And this required the administrator (me) to establish this password. Both of these things are not exactly what I am trying to do. In other words I am trying to password protect secondary pages. Also, I tried installing different security modules, but none of them were what I was looking for either.

Does anyone have an idea on this? Plenty of sites function this way.

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1,198 Points
2015-10-24 1:16 am EST

You should be able to password protect per page by installing the following module. This should allow you to password protect your pages besides your home page.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens

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