How to change my website index.html

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-09-03 5:28 pm EST
I am new to cPanel. I am trying to modify home page of a website.But i cannot seem to find the right index.html . Where do i get the .html file? I found one in public_html which is 44kb which seems promising but when i download it 1kb n got nothing on it. and Once i change it where would i upload it. Do i need any special IDE? Will it make a difference if i am using Windows?

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12,339 Points
2015-09-03 6:13 pm EST

Thank you for contacting us about changing your index.html. I looked at the site you provided (privately), and it seems to be coded in php, instead of HTML. This means there may be an index.php file instead. Since I could not locate a site on our server, I was unable to check for you.

It does not make a difference if you are using windows with most web builders. We are happy to help further, but will need some additional information to determine the best way to edit your site. How was the site built? For example, was it custom-coded, or built in WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

Here is a link to our helpful guide titled What Directory should I Upload my Files to? . It explains the file structure.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

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