I cannot log into AMP

Asked by:
Maggie / 10 Points
2014-04-28 11:37 am EST
I have followed the instructions to log onto AMP, and changed my password a number of times, but it won't let me log on (I am using the correct email address).
Please help!

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12,339 Points
2014-04-28 4:24 pm EST
Hello Maggie,

Thank you for your question. If you are unable to login to AMP, even after attempting to reset your password, I recommend contacting Live Tech Support, so they can troubleshoot the problem , or attempt to reset the password for you.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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2014-12-05 2:42 am EST
Have the same problem that seems to recur year after year when it comes time to renew. Logging into cPanel is not a problem, but AMP is. I traced the problem to my use of Dashlane security and password manager. Mess up a few times and the tic-tac-toe 3 x's in a row gets sent then the username and password fields are cleared and voila it refuses to log you in. Best to clear all caches and delete all password manager automatic interactions and do the login on a clean cache -- and manually! Found this to be very frustrating -- and no permanent solution either.

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