I made a full backup and can't find where it is stored

Asked by:
Eaton911 / 5 Points
2012-11-20 8:59 pm EST
I made a full backup and received an email that it was complete. Where is this backup stored.

I also saved a file of my home directory but when I tried to restore using Cpanel, I press upload and nothing happens. My firefox browser opens but I get a blank page.

Never mind: I found it when I made another backup

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16,266 Points
2012-11-20 9:31 pm EST
Hello Eaton911,

The backups for your account always saves to your home directory. I can see the last backup from 11.20 in there now. If you enter the File Manager in your public_html folder, you will need to go up one level to be in your home directory.

I was able to do a quick download and restore. The blank page you see in Firefox means it is working in the background, eventually you see the list of restored files.

I do see many extra backups in your home directory, this will cause your backup to expand exponentially, so you will want to remove any old ones. This will also help the speed of a restore.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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