Internet Explorer Error - Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Asked by:
EconomyAC / 19 Points
2011-09-14 4:34 pm EST
On the forward list editor when I click save the page goes to:
I get:
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2011-09-14 5:03 pm EST
Hi EconomyAC,

I'm sorry to hear of the issue you're having, let's tackle this one and see what we can find out.

I attempted to replicate the problem in Internet Explorer, but was not able to. I updated my BoxTrapper's "Forward List" from within cPanel, and it saved it successfully.

Microsoft has documentation for your error, found at Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I really don't recommend this unless nothing else works.

Most likely it was a temporary issue, either something on your end or our end.

1. If the issue occurs again, hit F5 on your browser to refresh the page. This should try to save the forwarder list again.

2. If you hit refresh and that doesn't help, try going to any other website on the internet. If you can't, it may be a temporary problem with your internet connection, and contacting your Internet Service Provider, such as Comcast or Cox Cable, for more troubleshooting steps.

Keep us updated in the comments of this page if you're still having trouble. It does sound like a temporary issue, and I bet if you try it again it should work.

- Brad

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