Making newly created page show in my website

Asked by:
seyimind / 8 Points
2015-03-21 1:04 am EST
How do I make my Google Map show in my website either on an existing page or a new one using cPanel?

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I have created the map already. All that I need now, is to make it show on my website, either in a new page or in an existing one, the "index.html". What I have tried: I created a new page and named it properly, placing it in the public_html folder. I then got the embed script for the map from Google which I then pasted in the new page. The challenge is that I cannot see the page on the website. So, I need some means to add it to the page hierarchy and make it visible on the website (online).

Thanks for your help.
8 Points
2015-03-21 01:09 am EST



12,339 Points
2015-03-21 1:27 am EST
Hello seyimind,

Thank you for your question about adding a Google map to your web page. Since you mentioned having an embed code, you can Edit the index.html (or whichever page you would like to add the calendar to) and add the embed code.

I looked at the website (you provided privately) and it seems to be custom coded, which can present difficulties.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

Thank you,

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Sadly, the link didn't resolve my challenge. It's not the embedding that's my challenge. It's to see the new page I have created on the website that is. How do I make a new page actually show on the website?
8 Points

2015-03-21 4:00 am EST
Hello Seyimind,

I am trying to understand the problem so I can help. Are you having trouble adding a link to your menu so it leads to the map page? I tried to identify the program that created your site but I am not coming up with anything. Was it custom coded?

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
16,266 Points
2015-03-24 2:17 am EST
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