php 5.3 for owncloud

Asked by:
Rus_Brain / 38 Points
2013-01-12 5:39 pm EST
Dear Support Team,

I was trying to install owncloud on one of my subdomains and this failed to work.

Installing process brought a notification about PHP version. Required is 5.3+

As ownloud is in your cpanel's available applications I just wonder whether you could update PHP version?

Thank you.


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3,713 Points
2013-01-13 11:42 am EST
Hello Kirill, and thank you for your question.

You can request for our system administration department to move your account to a server that runs PHP 5.3 by submitting a support request to ( Be sure to include either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current AMP password of your account for verification purposes.

Once you're on a server that runs PHP 5.3, you can also switch between PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 depending on your needs.

Hope that helps!

- Jacob

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