Problem accesing CPanel

Asked by:
Manuelpr / 5 Points
2012-12-31 4:27 pm EST
I'm receiving a "server at is taking too long to respond" message when I try to access the CPanel. Don't know if there is a relation, but this happened after I enabled the DKIM for email authentication and recieve a CPanel warning that it was unable to verify that the server is an authoritative nameserver. Don't know what this means!

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3,713 Points
2012-12-31 5:39 pm EST
Hello Manuelpr, and thank you for your question.

This seems to be an issue with cPanel trying to check on the web-server itself as the authorative name servers. When in fact e-mail servers will really be checking the real authorative name servers for your domain which are ns1/

I went ahead and created a test e-mail account, and then using an online DKIM testing tool, I sent a test message to ensure that DKIM headers were getting properly checked, and it came back successful:

DKIM result: pass
Signed by:
Expected Body Hash: g3zLYH4xKxcPrHOD18z9YfpQcnk/GaJedfustWU5uGs=

IN TXT = "v=DKIM1; k=rsa;

If you're having any issues at all accessing any sections of cPanel now, other than the Email Authentication section which will load slow due to the way it's checking the domain's name servers, then please let us know.


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