Stats Not Being Updated

Asked by:
MikeLV / 5 Points
2012-10-16 6:24 pm EST
It seems that none of the domains hosted (primary is has had its stats updated since August. As I've been listening to tech support music for the last 6 minutes, can someone tell whomever needs to be told to kick the machine (reset) please?

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12,339 Points
2012-10-16 6:50 pm EST
Hello MikeLV,

Thank you for your question regarding updating stats. We have been noticing problems, and the systems team is working on a long term solution for this.

I saw you also have a ticket open regarding this issue, and I have assigned this up to the systems team for completion. They will email you back upon resolution.

You may also want to consider using google analytics, as it is a helpful tool that provides similar information.

If you have and further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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