Unable to schedule cron

Asked by:
kpoulson / 8 Points
2012-12-03 10:45 am EST
I am unable to schedule a cron, I am getting an ajax error, I am trying to execute

wget -O cron_exec.html http://www.mycrazylife.net/cron/cron_exec.php

every 30 minutes, with a little searching I found http://wisemusings.com/content/ajax-error-while-setting-cron-in-cpanel

but not sure if that applies to me in this case and if so what the port is for direct access instead of my proxied address.

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16,266 Points
2012-12-03 6:03 pm EST
Hello kpoulson,

The port number for the cpanel is 2082. This means that you would type in yourdomainname.com:2082

If that does not help, please contact our live support at 877-595-4482 ext 2 or 757-416-6627 ext 2 about the issue so they can test it and watch it live. Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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