What version of Python is currently installed?

Asked by:
Flannery012 / 21 Points
2013-02-22 10:16 pm EST
I found the article from 12/19/2011 stating that the Python version was 2.4.3. (http://www.webhostinghub.com/support/community-support/new-customers/python-version) Is that still the case? That article also states that Django is not available. Is that still also the case?

Also, I'm creating a subdomain for a friend of mine who is working with me on my site. He already has FTP access to a specific folder on the site, and I gave him database access for a limited set. Will creating a subdomain and giving him access to that allow him to see into the rest of the site? I suspect that he will be limited to the area of the site I restrict his FTP to, but I thought I would ask to be sure.

Thanks for your help!

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3,713 Points
2013-02-22 11:26 pm EST
Hello Flannery012, and than you for your questions.

The current version of Python that is running on your server is Python 2.6.6. Unfortunately due to Django needing the Apache module mod_wsgi (Web Server Gateway Interface) enabled in order to function, it is still not available on our shared servers.

If you're just giving your friend FTP access to a subdomain, then he'll be locked in and only able to see files in that subdomain's directory.

We have a nice write up all about permitting developer access to your hosting account you might also want to take a look at.

Please let us know if you had any further questions at all.

- Jacob

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