Which forum is most friendly for administrators?

Asked by:
Noobie / 8 Points
2014-11-14 2:22 am EST
Hello people. My question is as follows:
Which forum type is the friendliest/easiest from the standpoint of an administrator? I installed phpbb3, however I see that Mods are not installed with any ease. You have to manually change programming tags, and manually uplod files. I'm wondering are there other types of forums which have a simpler/easier process of installing modifications?
There is Simple Machines Forum, MyBB, PunBB, FluxBB. Thank you

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12,339 Points
2014-11-14 2:37 am EST
Hello Noobie,

Thank you for your question. Out of the ones you listed, PHPbb is definitely the most popular one. I found this walk-through guide via online search, that may help you assign moderators in PHPbb.

You may want to also consider BBpress, which is an addon to WordPress. (WordPress is the most popular website building software).

You can start in BBPress by Installing it, then creating a forum.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

Thank you,

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so then does BBPress alow for automated MOD installation? Or does it still involve manually editing php files and uploading files to my site?
8 Points

2014-11-16 4:22 am EST
Hello Noobie,

You may want to direct your question to the bbPress pros on their forums. They can answer these types of questions much better than we can. Although we are quite knowledgeable with the main CMS programs (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal) we cannot answer too many questions about their addons and such as there are literally tens of thousands.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
16,266 Points
2014-11-17 6:20 pm EST
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