Homepage formatting in Cubecart

Asked by:
Luffie / 8 Points
2012-08-16 5:31 pm EST
Cube Cart

I downloaded cubecart and changed the permissions to change the homepage. It changes however I am unable to change the formatting to add colour, change text size, etc. I have looked on the web and cannot find this and followed the direction of someone on here and it would no longer display. Does anyone know how to change it? Also, where so I go to get the html for the site to add the banner?


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16,266 Points
2012-08-16 6:30 pm EST
Hello Luffie,

Like most other ecommerce programs, the colors, font size, etc for the CubeCart is governed by the specific theme (aka template or skin) that you are using and is not available to be altered via the normal CubeCart interface. You would simply need to find a theme that you like for your cart and install that.

With the banner question, CubeCart requires their own banner to be visible unless you purchase the license to remove it. Then the program will allow you to change the banner area. There is no html code to change per se as the pages are built dynamically via php code and a database backend.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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