Create empty MySQL database on this webserver/Upload b2evolution files

Asked by:
gardenmaker / 8 Points
2015-01-21 1:16 am EST
I do not want my main website to be a blog. b2evolution says I can add it to my existing website here. it says to: 1. Create a new empty MySQL database for b2evolution on your web server.
2. Upload the b2evolution files from your computer to your website. (Already downloaded)
3. Run the included installation script. (This will basically create tables in the database and create some demo contents if you wish.) So how do I create a new empty MySQL database for b2evolution on this web server for my site? Also Upload b2evolution files to my website? And run the included installation script? Thanks for the help.

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2,342 Points
2015-01-21 1:24 am EST
Hello gardenmaker,

To create a new database and user for that database, you may follow our guide on creating databases.

For the uploading of files, you may see our guide on uploading files with FTP.

As for accessing the included installation script, this would simply be navigating to the location of the files you uploaded within your web browser. For example, if you uploaded a folder called b2evolution to your public_html directory, you would go to

If you're looking for an easier way to install b2evolution, I recommend taking a look at Softaculous which can install it with a single click.

Best regards,

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8 Points

2015-01-21 1:33 am EST
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