Importing a DB from old server

Asked by:
Ofridagan / 8 Points
2013-04-11 1:09 pm EST

I want to transfer my site from goDaddy to hubhosting.
I exported my db to a file.
How do I import it?
It's bigger then the phpmyadmin file limit - so I can't upload.

Is it possible to import from a file that I upload with FTP?

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16,266 Points
2013-04-11 4:05 pm EST
Hello Ofridagan,

For smaller databases, you will want to follow the instructions found in our guide to importing databases via phpmyadmin.

However, if your database is larger than 50MB, then you will want to have our Live Support team import that for you. To do so, you would need to contact our support department at with that request. Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password.

Instructions for preparing the database for having our Live Support team import the database are also in the article.

Best Regards,
Scott M.

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