MongoDB Support

Asked by:
Scopey / 8 Points
2012-12-04 6:08 am EST
Hi there. I am currently a user of web hosting hub (I suppose)

I piggy-back my domain ( off my fathers current account with you guys (res-pac6 is the cpanel username).

One thing I was really interested in using with my Web Development is the Mongo NoSQL database. Is there any chance or plan for support of Mongo in the future? I admit I haven't really done much research into it, I just have the most insecure version running on my localhost right now, and I think I could understand if the only way is to have my own dedicated server.



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12,339 Points
2012-12-04 5:33 pm EST
Hello Guy,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, due to to the dedicated memory requirements in mongodb, it would require a VPS or Dedicated server.

We do run mySQL on our servers, which is very popular, and open-source.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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