Unable to connect to MySQL database using Python

Asked by:
Fitztorious / 5 Points
2012-11-12 9:42 pm EST
I am trying to connect through Python to a MySQL database I have created. I have even followed the tutorial here: http://www.webhostinghub.com/support/website/databases/connect-to-sql-database-with-python. I have changed the necessary variables and I am getting a 500 error.

It appears that 'import MySQLdb' is the cause for the error. I don't believe the MySQLdb module is installed anymore. Is there anyway someone can install this module or is there a way I can do it myself?

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2,132 Points
2012-11-12 11:36 pm EST
Thank you for our question Fitztorious!

Sorry for the trouble with the python script not working. We tried to get it working ourselves and it appears our systems support does need to set up MySQLdb on that server. We were able to get it working on our whub21 server but not the whub32 server.

Please email us at support@webhostinghub.com asking to have MySQLdb module set up for that server as we need the systems support to get this working. Please include the last 4 of the credit card number or the current AMP password in the email and we can try to get this working ASAP. Sorry for the trouble.

Best Regards

James R

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