Why do I get this message when I type my URL? "Error establishing a database connection"

Asked by:
happycj / 5 Points
2013-07-03 6:19 am EST
My website was running smoothly yesterday. However, just this morning, when I tried to log in, I got an error message as follows:

Error establishing a database connection

Please let me know what is wrong so it can be remedied asap. I need to check customer orders on the website. Thank you.

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I have the same problem too, it happened to all my 4 domains. Please help.
0 Points
2013-07-03 07:31 am EST
My sites were down yesterday for 30 minutes from 4:45PM Pacific to 5:15PM Pacific, and then again for another 20 minutes from 8:00PM Pacific to 8:20PM Pacific. They are down again now as I type this at 9:55 PM Pacific.
8 Points
2013-07-03 07:57 pm EST



12,339 Points
2013-07-03 3:30 pm EST
Hello happycj & boonhong,

Thank you for contacting us. Both of your accounts are housed on the same shared server, which is experiencing intermittent issues.

It is not affecting all users, and it should be fully resolved soon. We appreciate your patience while we work on a solution.

If you found this page due to an unrelated Database issue, here is a link to our guide on Troubleshooting MySQL Database issues.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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12,339 Points
2013-07-03 10:33 pm EST
Hello bidwell,

At this time I am not aware of any server issues. We are happy to help troubleshoot the problem, but we will need more information such as a domain name.

When your site is down are you getting any errors? Could you provide the full error?

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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