Can't change A record for my domain

Asked by:
kurt / 10 Points
2011-10-29 5:00 am EST
Dns Nameserver Changes
I changed my DNS to as what you commended, but after that, I can not edit the recorder A. Here is the error "You must have the zoneedit feature to take this action. You currently only have the simplezoneedit ". What does that mean? Another question is that I can not connect the server while ping is OK when I changed the DNS to a Chinese DNS offer for some reasons.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-10-31 3:22 pm EST
Hello kurt,

I'm sorry you're having trouble editing your A record and connecting to the server. The error message you are receiving is because the A record is a special DNS record that we will need to change for you. In order to make that change, please email us at with the domain name, the IP to point the A record to, and account verification. You can verify your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file or the AMP password.

I'm not clear on the last part of your question regarding not being able to connect the server when you changed the DNS to a Chinese DNS offer. Can you please clarify what you're trying to do so that we can continue to assist you?


Christi N.

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