How can I connect my subdomain to blogger?

Asked by:
sp12 / 14 Points
2012-05-20 2:59 am EST
Dns Nameserver Changes
I am new to website development, and have started to create a website. I am trying to connect a blogger blog to my subdomain, I checked to see if the dns had been propagated, and it was, and entered the cname (, but when I go to the subdomain, it just says "index of/". I am creating the rest of my website on dreamweaver, if that is of any information. I also redirected the website on blogger to my own domain.


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1,846 Points
2012-05-21 4:03 pm EST
Hi sp12,

Are you:

1. Trying to have blogger publish all of your files to your Web Hosting Hub account, or
2. Have load your site at blogger?

I reviewed the settings for your blog subdomain, and it appears you have 2 CNAME RECORDS and one A RECORD setup for it.

Can you give us a link to the directions you're following so we can ensure you're on the right track? I found these steps, but I'm not sure if this is what you're trying to do or not.

If you can post a comment at the bottom of this page with more information, I'll be more than happy to assist further.

- Brad

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