How do I create a TXT record for my domain?

Asked by:
j4k / 5 Points
2011-09-08 3:59 pm EST
Dns Nameserver Changes

We need to create a TXT record in order to setup Office365, I can't find anywhere in CPanel that will allow me to do this. In other instances of CPanel I have seen this performed in the "Advanced DNS Zone Editor" but cannot find this option anywhere in the version of CPanel you guys provide.

Is there a way I can get a TXT record created? It is a matter of urgency as we are currently migrating our emails over.


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591 Points
2011-09-08 4:29 pm EST
Hello j4k,

I'll be happy to help with your question. For security reasons the Advanced DNS Zone Editor is disabled, however our tech support team will be happy to create the TXT record for you. Please email our tech support at with your request. To speed up the process, also include in your email (to verify the account) your original password or the last four numbers of the credit card on file. Generally these types of requests are completed within an hour! If you have any other questions just let me know.


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