Pointing my nameservers

Asked by:
Susann / 35 Points
2012-12-11 8:54 pm EST
Dns Nameserver Changes
<p>According to your instructions, I have to replace the existing nameservers with Web Hosting nameservers. That I understand. In the existing website, there are three nameservers.</p>
<p>1. Primary ns2.mdnsservice.com IP:<br />2. Secondary ns3.mdnsservice.com IP:<br />3. Additional ns1.mdnsservice.com IP:</p>
<p>What I do not know is which name servers to replace. As you can see, the ns1 name server in the existing nameserver is an "additional" one. So, do I place your ns1.webhosting hub on the Additional or on the primary or secondary? Same questions for the ns2. webhosting hub, where do I place it? <br />ns1.webhostinghub.com <br />ns2.webhostinghub.com</p>
<p>Then, after having made these changes, how do I proceed on the following; I have unlocked the domain name: <br />&bull; Get access to the admin email address <a href="mailto:-XXXXX@XXXXX">-XXXXX@XXXXX </a><br />&bull; Get the authorization code : XXXXXXX <br />&bull; Verify the authorization code you submitted : how do I verify it?</p>
<p>Thanks, Susann</p>

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16,266 Points
2012-12-11 10:26 pm EST
Hello Susann,

When changing the nameserver inforomation to point to us, simply remove all references to other nameservers. In your case, remove all three. Then you will place ours as the new primary and secondary nameservers.

I would give the nameservers about 24 hours to propagate before continuing with the transfer. As long as you have the code and access to the admin email address, you can simply continue with the transfer. The code will be validated at the time of the transfer initiation.

You will then receive an email from Melbourne IT asking you to confirm. In that email, it will ask for a name and password. The name is your name, and the password it asks for is the authorization code used to initiate the transfer.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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