Separate web and email host

Asked by:
MichaelB / 34 Points
2012-07-25 9:40 am EST
Dns Nameserver Changes
I just signed up for web hosting with Hub. I've already have a domain and email that are hosted somewhere else and not looking to move them. What steps do I need to do to point the domain to Hub's server where my website is hosted? Do I just provide that hosting company with the shared IP address of Hub's? I also see there's an MX record automatically created at Hub's cPanel. Should that record be deleted to ensure the emails still go to the existing email server?

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16,266 Points
2012-07-25 3:52 pm EST
Hello MichaelB,

If you wish to have the current host be the DNS manager for your domain and also host your mail, simply provide your hub server IP to them and let them know you wish to keep the mail where it is. Incoming connections, mail or site, will visit that DNS manager first and be told which server to go to. Mail will go where you have it now, and site visits will continue on to our servers.

Since that host will continue to be the DNS manager, the MX record on our server will never be seen by incoming connections. You can either delete it or leave it at your discretion.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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