Web page displaying "parked" page, not my files

Asked by:
ShaunR / 16 Points
2012-11-29 1:47 am EST
Dns Nameserver Changes
I have a particular web page (freechristmasbooks.com) that displays incorrectly. The files are all installed correctly (it used to show up and I haven't changed anything) and the DNS records are also correct (or it wouldn't show the "parked" looking page).
What HAS changed is that the domain name was temporarily expired. It has been restored, but now rather than showing a WordPress theme, it shows some ads.
Please help me get this restored. I wonder if some a record or such things was broken while the domain name was disabled?
Shaun Roundy

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3,713 Points
2012-11-29 2:25 am EST
Hello Shaun, and thanks for your question.

Because you just recently renewed the domain from being expired it can take 24-48 hours for it to correctly propagate to point just to our server, instead of the Registrar's parked landing page that you might still be seeing which would be getting pulled from a completely separate server than ours.

Once it has updated for your local computer you should be getting the WordPress error "Error establishing a database connection". This is because it looks like in your wp-config.php script you currently don't have any valid database credentials entered in for accessing the database on our server.

I see that you have quite a few databases setup already, you'll just need to be sure to modify your configuration script to use the proper database name, user name, and password that you've setup for that particular WordPress database.

Because your local computer is more than likely caching the DNS lookup of your domain, and still resolving you to the landing parked page you aren't seeing this error yet. However because I hadn't tried to go to your domain name from my computer till just now, I went right to your site.

You can flush your local DNS cache if you'd like to try to speed up the DNS propagation process following these steps:

  1. Open up a command prompt window by clicking on Start and then in the Search programs and files box type in cmd and hit Enter

  2. In the command prompt type the following command:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    This should give you back:

    Windows IP Configuration

    Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

  3. Now to test to make sure you're getting the updated record just type in:

    ping freechristmasbooks.com

    If you're getting a reply back from then it has updated, and you should be able to get to your site now on our server once again.

I hope that information helps, if you have any further questions at all please let us know.

- Jacob

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