Account Hacked, Again !!

Asked by:
AnandChauhan / 5 Points
2013-03-18 3:11 am EST
Domain Names
Hello Support Team,

My Hosting account has been hacked for the second time this month by some Sryian / Pakistani Online Rebel Groups.

All my webfiles are deleted and replaced by their webpages.

Domain Name:

all domains under this account are affected. Please restore the files back and secure our accounts on your server. I have couple of other friends who have account on your server and even their accounts have been compromised.

Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

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2,132 Points
2013-03-18 6:23 pm EST
Thank you for your question AnandChauhan!

Sorry for your website being hacked. We do have some information that will help you about your site being hacked at the following link.

What do I do if my Website is Hacked?

In most cases, sites are hacked due to an exploit in the code of the website. A common example of this is shell scripts being uploaded to a WordPress site that has out dated plugins or themes.

Website Security - How do I Protect my Website?

We do maintain backups for accounts that have purchased the monthly backups; however, We do recommend maintain your own backups as well in the event our backups contain your hacked code. Our backup runs very 24 to 36 hours. In some cases, the backups may have copied the hacked code if we were not informed fast enough to restore the account. Please see the following on our backup policy

Do you Run Backups of your Servers?

Unfortunately, because this is the Customer Community Online Support center this type of request cannot be done through the public support center forum. Our tech support staff will need to do this. Please contact support by email ( with this request. You will need to verify the account with the original AMP password or the last 4 digits of the credit card on file in the email. They will need account information like the domain on the account or the cPanel username and what files you need restored. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
James R

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