Cannot find cpanel when i log in, need to point domain to squarespace

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-06-19 3:00 am EST
Domain Names

I am having troubles with my domain name mapping.
I had my website hosted through web hosting hub and also my domain name.
Recently I ended the hosting through web hosting hub. However my domain name is still registered through web hosting hub.
I need to point that domain name to my new website at Squarespace. The instructions ask me to go to cpanel on web hosting hub and map the domain name to the squarespace website through there. However, when I log into web hosting hub in the account management panel, I do not see the cpanel option at all.

I need help to figure out how to point my domain name which I am continuing to register via web hosting hub.

Thank you.

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17,314 Points
2014-06-19 3:19 am EST
Hello RT,

Actually, the option to change the name servers is done through the Account Management Panel (AMP). You will not be able to control DNS to make an A record change using cPanel because you do not have a hosting account with Web Hosting Hub. However, you can change the name servers to point to your new hosting service.

If wish to have complete DNS control over the domain, you will need to either have a hosting account, or transfer the domain away to a different domain registrar. This can be done by unlocking the domain and obtaining the authorization code from Melbourne IT (our domain registrar). You have to initiate the transfer through another domain registrar, though.

I hope that helps to clarify the issue. If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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